Supported by
Public Hand

Special Thanks To
Beat Käslin, Annette Bleichenbacher and the Arthouse team / Noemi Signer and the Cinema Luna team / Corinne Siegrist-Oboussier, Filmpodium / Cabaret Voltaire and bar team / Martin Mühlheim / Heinrich Mezger Foundation / Restaurant Mère Catherine and team / Saskia De Keyser from Pink Screens in Brussels / Andrea Kuhn from the Film Festival for Human Rights, Nuremberg / Joachim Post and the team from the Hamburg International Queer Film Festival / Barbara Reumüller from Identities in Vienna / Christina Niederer from Pink Panorama, Lucerne / all film makers and national and international distributors that enable Pink Apple to take place.
Pink Apple also wishes to thank its donors, sponsors and advertisers, all public sector entities, organisations and sympathetic individuals including all other helping hands not explicitly mentioned here for their generous support and excellent cooperation. Without them our festival simply could not take place.
Adopt a film!
Thanks to Boa Anakonda, Luzius Sprüngli and Corrado Tedeschi.
Thanks for all contributions to this year’s trailer:
Maximilian Kaiser, Sharon Gamski, Dominic Röthlisberger, Larissa Stadler, Hani Guan, Dennis Ginsig, Keiko Saile, Evelyne Weiss, Adrian Feubli, Tina Freyland, Nina Bachellerie, Titoc Flores, Malyse Meierhof, Dario Bianchi, Edith & France, Judith Lang, Simone Glausner, Julia Müller, Daniel Bruttin, Jeroen Scheink, Christian Grothe, Antti Naef, Oliver Brand, Marie-Ann Jakob, Anna Tilling, Volker Hagen, Remo Kaufman, Florian Ullbrich, Lukas Egger, Fiorina Gambale & Solveig Andrae.
Last, but not least
A big thank you to our loyal audience!